IT Security

Don’t let one breach sink you

by Mark Rowe

Too many of today’s networks are easy to sink, writes TK Keanini, pictured, CTO, Lancope. One attack pierces the perimeter, and all of the organisation’s most sensitive data comes rushing out in a deluge. Soon after, their logo is slapped across the evening news cycle as the pundits start circling the water.

Modern ships are not built under the assumption that their hull is too strong to breach. In fact, they are designed to contain a breach as quickly as possible to keep the entire vessel from going under. Organsations can adopt this philosophy to make sure that one intrusion doesn’t compromise all of their data.

Network segmentation functions by cordoning off resources and users by role to limit the reach of an intruder. In an unsegmented network, everyone has access to everything. Engineers can access financial documents; sales can access sensitive intellectual property, etc. Sometimes even third-party contractors are given unbridled access. By dividing these different groups into separate areas that limits their access to only the resources they need to perform their job, the overall security posture of the organisation is improved.

We can compare it to compartments on a ship. When the ship is healthy, all of the different compartments operate in concert with one another. But in the event of a hull breach or flooding, the affected compartments seal off from the others to contain the water. If it is working as intended, then the water is contained and the ship is able to maneuver to a safe location to perform repairs. It isn’t perfect – most famously illustrated by the Titanic – but it is effective most of the time.
In a segmented network, normal business functions are unimpeded as everyone has access to what they need. But in the event of an attack, the threat actor is confined to whichever segment is compromised. This drastically reduces the amount of sensitive material the attacker can obtain and forces them to spend more time performing reconnaissance, which can be identified and remediated by security personnel before any data is lost.

Segmentation also improves visibility and threat detection by providing more points of monitoring. As traffic crosses segmentation borders, it can be inspected and audited, giving the security team insight into what is happening on the ground.
This is in stark contrast to an attack on an unsegmented network. In this case, the attacker is able to move laterally across the entirety of the network. In that time, they are able to identify all of the sensitive data and take advantage of every vulnerability that might be present. This results in an attack that is able to quickly pilfer anything valuable while also leaving more opportunity for persistence and a continuous compromise.
So what’s the problem?
Historically speaking, network segmentation has had two major flaws that prevented it from being standard practice. It required too much effort, and maintenance and simply wasn’t scalable. It relied on extensive access control lists, and points of enforcement had to be updated individually every time there was a change in policy. Large organisations could quickly find themselves with thousands of policies that had to be maintained in many different places, which quickly became impractical.
Another drawback of traditional segmentation was the difficulty of testing and implementing it. Few organisations are aware of every valuable resource that resides on the network, and fewer still understand what resources are needed by users to perform their job. This often forced administrators to segment based on intuition, which almost always resulted in weakened security or disruption to day-to-day business. If one user is erroneously denied access to systems critical to their job, then the administrator has to manually update all of the access control lists just to return business to normal. If that happens to many different users at once, then business slams to a halt and the administrator is left with days of work just to resolve the problem.
What was required to make segmentation practical was a platform that is easy to manage, the network insight necessary to craft effective policies and a process to maintain integrity in dynamic environments. Thanks to advancements in technology and methodology, these things are now practical for even the largest networks.

A new era of segmentation

The advent of software-defined segmentation made great strides in bringing segmentation to large, modern networks. It functions by abstracting security policies away from hardware terms, such as ever-changing IP addresses, collision domains, or other topological requirements. This makes crafting policies much easier to understand and maintains integrity even in fluid network environments. The network can finally reflect the business and not the technical architecture.

Software-defined segmentation facilities centralised management. Instead of manually updating policies on every network infrastructure device individually, administrators can design and change policies in one location before pushing it out to all points of enforcement simultaneously. This method reduces the amount of man-hours required to maintain segmentation and ensures policies are up to date network-wide. More organisations have the network visibility necessary to design effective policies. By collecting metadata from every conversation on the network, NetFlow-based visibility gives administrators’ insight into what resources and systems users need to access to on a regular basis. Armed with this information, they can then design effective policies instead of relying on intuition. We move from guess work to evidence-based policy creation.

A new methodology for a new era

Even with these capabilities, segmentation can be a complicated process. Organisations are dynamic beings. They grow and change. They hire new talent and break into new markets. Computers are added and networks are expanded. To keep up, segmentation policies must be continuously evaluated and tweaked to remain relevant. The key to this challenge lies in active segmentation, a methodology designed to efficiently identify changes within the network and adapting policy to match. Based on the OODA Loop, active segmentation is a cyclical process of observing network behavior, orienting segmentation goals to that behaviour, adapting policies and implementing them.

This process would be a tall order, except much of it can be streamlined using our network visibility tools. The beauty of comprehensive visibility is you can implement soft policies that can trigger alerts when certain traffic is observed. Administrators can quickly identify new machines and test run policy changes before enforcing them. Network visibility can also be used to verify segmentation efficacy. By mirroring intended segmentation policies in your network monitoring tool, violations can be quickly identified, which in turn pinpoint ineffective policies.

Flood-proof your network

The ever-evolving threat landscape and sophistication of cyber attackers make relying solely on traditional perimeter defense ineffective. The good news is the battle isn’t lost at the initial compromise. Like ships contain flood water, networks can be designed to confine intruders to a small area, preventing a breach from spreading. Shoring up internal defences and making your network inhospitable to intruders can drastically reduce the time to identify a threat, providing a window of opportunity to security personnel. Through new technologies and proper segmentation techniques, organisations can hinder lateral movement and contain the consequences of a breach. If done correctly, attackers have access to less data and are able to be identified before they can cause damage.


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