Case Studies

Be aware when out and about

by Mark Rowe

Lockdown easing and warmer weather are apparent in an increase in claims to an insurer after thefts not involving a burglary. The end of pandemic is also reflected in the locations of these thefts – pubs, cafes, restaurants, beaches and camp sites, says Aviva. In one case, items were stolen from a tent while the claimant was sleeping inside. Items – often phones, bags and wallets – have been taken out of people’s hands in the street.

Between April and June 2021, theft claims which didn’t involve breaking into a home increased by 44 per cent. June also marked the sixth month in a row during which Aviva saw an increase in these types of claims. The firm suggests that when you are out and about:

Consider leaving items at home. Consider exactly what you need to take with you. Do you need to take a laptop, phone, wallet, tablet? If the answer is “no”, leave it at home – and limit the amount of cash you carry.

Use a bag with fasteners. A bag with a zip, buckles or fasteners provides a natural barrier to pick-pockets. You’re much more likely to notice if a thief attempts to get to your valuables.

Don’t leave items unattended. Sadly, even if you leave possessions for just a few seconds, they could be taken. Make sure a trusted person is watching your belongings at all times.

Use an old phone out of doors. If you have an old mobile you can take out for the day, this may be a good way to keep in touch, without putting your latest smartphone model at risk.

Make sure pedal cycles are secured when not in use. Bicycles have become hot property during the pandemic, so always use a robust lock when leaving yours unattended.

Be mindful how you carry items. Wear a bag that crosses your body so it can’t be easily snatched and take care when using your phone in public places, in case would-be snatchers are watching.

Be careful of distraction techniques. Professional thieves may try to distract you by engaging you in conversation while they – or an accomplice – makes off with your possessions.

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