IP Products

ShotSpotter integration

by Mark Rowe

DVTEL has integrated its Latitude network video management system (NVMS) with ShotSpotter gunfire alert and location software. The US product company has also added to its integration with the Google Earth virtual globe.

Integration with third-party products is part of the DVTEL Applications and Integration Center. ShotSpotter involves covering areas with collaborative sensors that triangulate location of a gunshot within a covered area. The DVTEL-ShotSpotter integration module sends event notifications to Latitude to provide operators with a situational overview of any gunfire. Appropriate actions can be programmed in response to each type of incoming gunshot detection event, and users can view and react to incoming gunshot events. ShotSpotter requires Google Earth.

The DVTEL-Google Earth integration module combines DVTEL’s Latitude NVMS with Google Earth’s location-based presentation capabilities. Google Earth maps the world by super-imposing images obtained from satellite imagery, aerial photography and three-dimensional geographic information systems (GIS). Users can interact with Latitude-enabled cameras from the Google Earth map to live video by hovering over a camera and identify a camera with a Google pop-up balloon. When combining Google Earth with ShotSpotter, a gunshot’s location can be marked on a Google Earth map, and pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras in the vicinity can be automatically directed to the incident location and displayed to the operator in Latitude’s ControlCenter.

DVTEL’s Applications and Integration Center (AIC) provides automation, operation and third party integration to DVTEL’s Latitude product, allowing the company says solutions to be tailored to the customer’s requirement. The integrations with ShotSpotter and Google Earth are the latest of dozens, including access control, audio, license plate recognition (LPR), point-of-sale (POS), physical security information management (PSIM), and video analytics.

Jicko Chetrit, Director, DVTEL’s Applications and Integration Center, said: “Gunfire detection systems are becoming more in demand, given high-profile shooting events such as the recent tragedy at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. As new technologies come on the scene, customers require custom integrations with Latitude NVMS, and our mission is to make it happen. Incorporating technologies such as ShotSpotter and Google Earth expand the capabilities of Latitude and provide more flexible and customised systems for DVTEL customers.”

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