
Minimise attack on your website

by Mark Rowe

As technology is getting robust, its security along the way is also becoming a big concern, writes Dan Radak.

Mega companies do use secure servers to work on, but small businesses still do not bother about their website security. Insecure websites encourage cyber thieves to hack small business websites and steal their data. They send malicious codes to alter computer data, code, and logic. These codes help them steal confidential data about employees, customers, and prospects of the business.

So, how do you defend your website from these creepy hackers? Eight ways will help you make your website an unbreachable fortress. Let us look:

Buy SSL Certificate

When you buy SSL certificate, you not only buy security but also gain your visitors’ trust. SSL or Secure Sockets Layer encrypts your website connection with 256-bit encryption, which prevents it from malware.

Your website is vulnerable to data thefts without an SSL certificate, and you may lose its access. The certificate also helps to create a trustworthy aura among the visitors who trust you with their confidential information.

Also, while making payments, SSL helps provide a secure payment gateway, critical to business.

Keep Your Software Up to Date

You may buy an SSL certificate, but you are vulnerable to cyber-attacks if your third-party hosting forum is not updated. Hackers are always looking out for such loopholes in your website, and an outdated CMS or forum is a treat for them. A quick solution to this is buying a managed hosting pack that keeps your website safe as the hosting provider manages its security. But, if you are not using a hosting service, then be quick to apply security patches. Most CMS software(s) notify users about their software updates, but keeping your software updated is always the best option.

Prioritize Network Security

Network security is of utmost priority to all IT companies. If you want your website to be free from any hindrance, then follow these tips to tighten your security:

– Update your passwords from time to time.
– Run a malware check before logging in through any system.
– Make sure that your website gets logged out after a few minutes of inactivity.
– Do not share or write down your passwords anywhere.

Prioritizing network security will make hacking extremely difficult to execute.

Get a WAF

WAF or a web application firewall acts as a filter between the incoming traffic and data connection. It sits between the web server and connection, monitoring every bit of activity. WAF reads even the tiny bits of details, leaving no chance for any malicious code to sneak through. Although it is not a free tool, it is incredibly useful for securing your website from hackers. Cloud-based WAFs these days are incredibly advanced. They filter not only malicious codes but also keep spammy bots at bay, keeping your website clutter-free.

Do not let the search engines index your admin page

Admin pages are neither important for SEO optimization nor for stating the website’s authenticity. You can easily hide them without any worry. Admin pages, if found, can give easy information access to hackers. So, it is better to hide them. But how do you do that? It’s pretty straightforward; you can use Robot_txt file and restrict search engines from indexing your admin pages or any page for that matter. The restricted pages will not get visible on your website or anywhere else on the web, keeping you safe and secure.

Avoid saving files in the root directory.

No matter how carefully they are uploaded, files may leave a bug or two on the website. Excessive file uploads may cause your website to disfunction and makes it an easy target for hackers. To avoid any mishap, you must store your files outside the root directory. You do not have to worry about its accessibility either, as those files can be easily used using a script. The process of doing so varies from web host to web host. You can contact them for further assistance with this.

Disable auto-fill option

Although the auto-fill option may not harm your website directly, it can make a lot of difference if your device is stolen. If you lose your device in which your website credentials are visible, you will have a high chance of getting your website hacked. Anybody who gets access to your device may get easy access to your website as well. Even if the person is not a hacker, they may still steal your data and information. With autofill disabled, nobody can log in twice, keeping your website safe.

Always keep a backup

Even if you end up on the wrong side of the story and your website gets hacked, the backup will help. Backing up every day will help you create a solid framework which you can build again. You can retrieve all the information that you have lost. Also, do not store your backup in a single location; instead, distribute it to multiple locations. If one backup location fails, you can rely on the other one.

To conclude: hackers may never try to hack your website, but prevention is always better than cure. In today’s world, where the business fraternity’s competition level is ever increasing, you cannot take website security for granted. Buy SSL certificate, WAF, update your software, optimize your network, and keep your website safe as houses.

About the writer

Dan Radak is a web hosting security professional with ten years of experience. He is working with a number of companies in the field of online security, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies.

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