
Talk cyber to family

by Mark Rowe

Police are urging people to talk to family members about the potential dangers of cyber related crime. West Yorkshire Police describe cyber related crime as an increasing problem nationwide and the force is one of only a handful across the country to have a unit set up specifically to tackle cyber crime. The team was created in 2015 after money from the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Mark Burns-Williamson.

The team regularly provide and share advice about how to best stop criminals who look to use technology such as laptops, tablets and other internet enabled devices to commit traditional crime such as theft and fraud.

The force also developed and chairs the UK’s first Cyber IAG: an Independent Advisory Group made up of key partners from across the public, private and charitable sectors. The force has worked with organisations within the group including West Yorkshire Trading Standards, Victim Support and Age UK to host live webchats about the issue and what can be done to guard against it.

Detective Chief Inspector Vanessa Smith leads the West Yorkshire Cyber Crime Team. She said: “Cyber enabled and related crime is a growing threat – so many people have access to internet enabled devices such as laptops, mobile phones and tablets. Criminals are using these modern appliances to commit ‘traditional’ crimes with the computer rapidly becoming the new crowbar. I would like to reassure the public though that the vast majority of cyber crime can be prevented.

“Tips include creating strong and complex passwords, updating antivirus software and not clicking on unexpected emails from unknown sources. It is equally important however for people to talk about the crime and share our advice so everyone knows about it. The term ‘cyber crime’ is perhaps misleading as it can alienate people by making them think of the crime as something only a specialist can understand.

“But that isn’t the case – so called cyber crime can affect almost everyone and that is why I am calling on people to pass the message on. I would particularly appeal to people who have more knowledge about cyber related crime to speak to family members and friends who perhaps don’t have the same level of understanding. Some people presume that only elderly people need help and advice but that isn’t the case. People of any age can potentially fall victim.”


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