
Data security starts with training people

by Mark Rowe

On World Backup Day, a training provider, QA, is warning firms not to try and solve the problem by simply buying more technology. Instead, the firm is counselling a more holistic approach to backup and data protection – one that gives training and education of staff equal billing to technology.

According to Bill Walker, Technical Director at QA: “It is widely accepted that human error is the leading cause of data loss amongst companies. Throwing more software might offer some peace of mind, but it fails to address the root cause.” The data backup problem is growing rapidly. People now create and generate over 1.8 zettabytes of data per year, it’s estimated, so securing it is of utmost importance.

According to the founders of World Backup Day, the original intent is for it to be a ‘day for people to learn about the increasing role of data in our lives and the importance of regular backups.’

Yet, Walker says: “It seems that the original intent of World Backup Day risks being swamped by a tsunami of backup vendor pitches to buy more software. In reality, the approach should be multi-faceted and with much more emphasis on training employees about how to get smart about data”.

Walker claims that the inherent risks and complexities in protecting corporate data have grown in recent years. Traditional backup used to be a relatively simple process in a physical-only world. But protecting data held across virtual and cloud-based environments has become increasingly complex, with most UK businesses now using cloud.

Walker says: “Add to this the growing concerns over cyber security and you can quickly understand why UK firms face a quagmire when it comes to protecting and securing their data. However, teach your staff about protection and security and you mitigate the long-term problems that these staff could potentially cause.”

The firm suggests a need for firms of all sizes to have a robust backup strategy to protect their data. This needs to also be part of a broader data security strategy, since the two go hand in hand.

Bill Walker adds: “The news headlines have been full of stories about data being lost by staff or stolen by the bad guys. Technology plays just one part – while teaching staff about the value of the bits and bytes that they use to do their jobs. If training and technology is deployed in equal measure to solve the data backup problem, you create a company mindset that understands the value of the company’s own data. Once everyone in the company understands the value of the data, their behaviour towards that will change. True data protection, and true data security, starts and ends with training your people.”

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